SPACE VOYAGE INSTRUCTIONS OBJECTIVE Pilot Star Voyager through treacherous space. As you look out from the Command Bridge, stars rush past. Penetrate the seven star portals and save the Capital Starport. Destroy enemy ships with photon torpedoes or lasers, or evade them to maintain your precious energy supply. Keep track of energy levels on the instrument panel. Use your radar screen to locate opponents and approaching star portals. Only passing through a star portal restores your energy reserves. But be warned! Crashing into a star portal will destroy you! GAME PLAY * Your viewer displays the hostile space you navigate. * Sights at the center of the viewer show where your 2 lines of fire meet. * Weapon fire originates under wings located on either side of the Command Bridge. Lasers use more energy than photon torpedoes but have a wider, more effective range. Both destroy anything in their paths. * Enemy ships and star portals first appear as small distant dots, then advance. Enemy pulsar bombs flash white hot on your viewer. Each hit costs you energy as enemy ships and their fire crash into Star Voyager defense shields. Destroy enemy ships, maintain enery levels, eclipse star portals - you'll earn field promotions. (See Scoring) * Your Instrument Panel helps. The reading on the left indicates the number of enemy ships you've blasted. Energy still in reserve appears on the right. * The radar screen in the middle of the panel shows both the nearest enemy (solid dot) and star portal (flashing blip). * Audio signals alert you to approaching foes and star portals. Four beeps indicate an alien presence. A musical overtune sounds when a star portal is near. * Your joystick responds like pilot controls. To navigate: pull stick toward you to climb. Push forward to dive. Rotate to the right and veer right; to the left, veer left. Position joystick controller so that the red button is at the upper left hand corner. * To fire laser or photon torpedoes: press red button. * 1-player versions: use left hand controller. * Flip Game Select Lever to choose a Star Voyager game. * Game number appears in lower left of screen. * Hit Game Reset Lever to begin action. Game begins again whenever Reset Lever is tapped. * Fire button on left hand controller will reset game when previous game ends. The Left Difficulty Lever controls the pace of enemy attack and star portal appearance. * Normal Mode: A * Accelerated action: B Select weapons with Right Difficulty Lever: * Lasers: position A * Photon Torpedoes: position B VARIATIONS 1-player: opposes a computer-controlled foe. Use left hand controller. 2-Player: * Team up as Pilot and Weapons Officer. Select game number 1. The pilot uses the left hand controller. The right joystick controls weapons fire. * For a combative challenge, play game number 2. The left joystick operates Star Voyager. The right manoeuvres enemy ships and controls pulsar bomb fire. SCORING * Multiply your tally of enemy casualties by 5. * Add 10 points for each star portal penetrated. Determine the number of star portals crossed by the colour of the viewer border: Blue-Grey-Yel-Or-Grn-Viol-Pink-Blue 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (Colour tone varies depending on TV screen) Your score earns you field promotions: 0 - 15 AWOL 16 - 47 One Chevron 48 - 79 Two Chevrons 80 - 111 Three Chevrons 112 - 143 Four Chevrons 144 - 175 Lieutenant 176 - 207 Captain 208 - Admiral Rankings appear at game's end.